Friday, 8 February 2013

Askarteluja (some fab work)

From 89X4 to 3" for my MPR 474.

Modify my exhaust manifold for my wastegate. Manifold had a rectangular wastegate flange and the one that I'm going to use has V-band flange. Some anglegrinder first and some filing and then some tig-welding and done.
Also had to straighten manifolds turbo and block flanges. It seems that some one had forget to straighten them after welding. Now both are nice and strait/flat.

Here is my T4 to T3 flange. Made it a bit thicker so could fit the EGT sensor.

Also rebuild one original CT26 CHRA.

Visited my garage first time since october. 10-20cm soft snow then 30cm hard snow that you can walk on and then beneath that 30cm soft snow before ground. The door is 30cm from the ground and had to dig to get in. :)

Friday, 1 February 2013

MPR 474-3

Tuli tässä talven aikana sitten investoitua uusi ahdin. Syksyllä jo kyseistä hyrrää olin himoinnut ja suunnitellut sen ostoa. Jokunen viikko sitten ei voinut enää vastustaa kun hintakin tipahti huimasti. :)

New turbo for OldCrappy. Had been watching this turbo for a while and when the price dropped I just had to order one. Now gotta make new lines for oil and water. Also have to fabricate a new elbow and adapter from T4 to T3. 

Öljy- ja vesilinjat pitää nyt sitten askarrella uusiksi kuten myös elbow. Myös sovitelaippa pitää tehdä koska pakosarja jaetulla T4 laipalla ja ahdin T3 laipalla. Onneksi on sopivaa tavaraa pajalla. Kuumalujaa työkaluterästä...... ei vääntyile eikä hilseile.

Quick modeling of the adapter. Gona make it from Sten W302. It's hot work tool steel and I hapen to have some left from a nother project.
Last time used it to make some tools for the power hammer. :)