Saturday, 18 August 2012

Naitetut (head and block)

Muutaman tunnin ennätin puuhastelemaan crappyn parissa. Lohkon ja kannen sain naitettua toisilleen. Perus settiä eli MHG ja ARP:n kiinnitys kilkkeet.

Block and head are now together but it seem's that I dont have time to do much more befere spring. Winter is coming and it's going to be a busy one. 
Well since can't get the smoke out this autumn I can expand the project. :)

Cometic MHG (and yes both head and block where resurfaced) and ARP fasteners for this engine. Never used a Cometic MHG but it shoud hold good since the engine is almost stock.

Se ei koskaan valmistu.